Le livre des hôtes

Il Castello di Proceno è una fortezza del dodicesimo secolo e rappresenta il più affascinante, sereno e accattivante posto che abbia mai visitato.

giardino8This year marked our seventh year in the Castello di Proceno–a little piece of heaven in the middle of the Disneyland of Florence, Sienna, San Gimigniano, etc. Everything about Proceno and our apartment is perfect–from olive wood fires in the huge fireplace to having breakfast on our balcony and listening to church bells and birds singing to chatting with Roberto about which cheese to buy to having coffee at the bar… Why would anyone ever want to leave?
Pucci, whose family has owned the castle for hundreds of years, is just amazing–she does all the planning for and oversees restorations, she decorates the apartments–including making many of the bed and pillow covers, she cooks–with her cook, Lucia–and serves in the delightful Enoteca and the restaurant many of the traditional dishes of Tuscia. And with her warm and generous welcome and her sparkling wit, she embodies the spirit of Tuscia. She and her husband, Giovanni, do everything possible to make guests feel part of the life of the castle and the area–and to make their stay in Proceno as stress free as possible.
I have lived in many places in Europe–small coastal villages in Spain and England and Italy, London, Paris, Rome–but nothing compares to Proceno.
Jean Bohner (June 26, 2010)

giulione10The Castello di Proceno, a 12th century fortress, is the most charming, peaceful and captivating place I ever visited. Situated near Orvieto, Proceno is in the heart of central Italy and connected to the most important cities and historical centres of this part of the country, where the great Etruscan history is present everywhere. The Cecchini Bisoni family has waked up this sleeping beauty. Wonderful furnished rooms, suites and appartments with every comfort receive the visitors who will spend unforgettable days in this impressive castle, where all is history and beauty. The parc with the carefully restored parc restaurant in summer and the charming, elegant Enoteca in winter, provides you the ideal place between carefully selected antique furniture and delicious, traditional homemade dishes. Summer time is also the moment where Ms Cecilia Cecchini organises concerts in the castle garden, followed by a buffet dinner in pure tradition.

Irene Wettach (June 13, 2008)

Collinella1We recently returned home from a wonderful trip to Europe and one of the true highlights was staying at Castello di Proceno. The apartments were wonderfully decorated with great views; we especially enjoyed the wood-burning fireplace. The ambiance of the restaurant was exceptional and the food excellent, and the hospitality of the owners of the Bed and Breakfast was extraordinary. They were extremely friendly and welcoming for our entire stay. They were also helpful in recommending local sites which turned out to be some of our favorite for the entire trip. We were treated like family and plan to return next year. The village of Proceno doesn’t have much to offer, however the surrounding villages are beautiful. In addition, be sure and ask for a tour of the castle, which was quite an experience. We have traveled the world and would highly recommend a stay at Castello di Proceno, a historical experience.

PNeff (May 18, 2010)